Low Level Design (LLD)

Low Level Design (LLD)

Low Level Design (LLD)

LLD – Its refers to the Design of small components of an application or an application that serves the requirement or serves a set of business requirements.

Building Blocks of LLD :

Requirement Gathering

Laying Down Use Cases

UML/Class Diagrams

OOD(Object Oriented Design) to Model Problem

Implement Code (Design Patterns + SOLID)

CLASS DIAGRAM : Class Diagram Reflect the real world problem in terms of classes their relationship with other classes how they interact with other classes

Responsibility of every class in terms of Class Methods & Functions and the Data and Information those Classes hold in terms of Class Attributes

While Designing the Complex System these Class interactions can get fairly complicated and hence

UML SEQUENCE DIAGRAM : UML is not an Programming Language it is rather a Visual Language

We use UML diagrams to Portray the behavior and Structure of a System

Its helps us to understand how different instances of classes are interacting with each other what messages they are passing to each other in what particular order .

If you are developing the Complex Application use cases diagram do tell the story of how the software is going to look like and it helps you to build and design a better software .

ADVANCE LLD : The advance step of LLD includes how to write testable maintainable refactored code which is production ready and which can include the changes that will come with time and how we can write such advance code


OOD – Object Oriented Design its Not Equals to OOP – Object Oriented Programming

OOP – Coding up an application using the Object Oriented (OOP) features of an Particular Language

OOD – Model a Real World Problem using Object Oriented Design (OOD) Techniques and Concepts

Objects – Represents the Real World Entity (Information & Behavior)

Classes – Blueprints of Objects(Classify)

NVT (Noun Verb Technique) :

Noun – Objects (Classes)

Verb – Behavior

Classes have to interact and depend on other classes in order to fulfil the use cases of a problem

once we have designed what are the Classes in our system or how we can represent our system using classes.

Next step to figure out the relationship between those two classes or multiple classes and what are the different responsibilities of each and every class

Relationship Among Classes :

Primarily there are two kind of Relationships that any two classes can have either that relationship could be,

1.has a relation

2.Is a relation

Has a relation : sometimes can also be considered as Composition/Aggregation

Ex : Customer – Credit Card , here Customer Has a Credit Card its an Has a Relation Because Without an Customer there should be no need of Credit Card

Its also called as an Composition Relationship

Product – Cart , here we can add multiple products in an single cart , even though the cart is not available the product will be exist

Its called as an Aggregation another type of has a relation

Is a Relation – Its usually points to the Inheritance

EX : Lesson is class , Parking lesson is type of an lesson class & driving lesson is an type of an Lesson class


SRPSingle Responsibility Principles :

Single Responsibility in SOLID Design Principle - GeeksforGeeks

In an Module , Module means Set of Functions , Class , Package , Source Code should have a reason to change by Only 1 Stakeholders can change this / The Whole functionality can be changed by only one Stakeholder (or) Group of Stakeholders

Inheritance & Polymorphism :

Inheritance : A Child Class its Inherits the Attributes and Properties of the Parent Class (Is a Relation)

Polymorphism : Actually an Implementation of an Inheritance , Child classes inherited from the same parent class can have multiple forms and attitudes

Compile Time Polymorphism – Method Overloading

Run Time Polymorphism – Method Overriding



Liskov Substitution Principle: SOLID design | by Radheshyam Singh | Medium

If a Function takes an Instance of a Class , That same function should also be able to take the Instance of Derived Class from that Class

Its used to Inherit Properly

If you are Inheriting Properly This Principle won’t be Violated , But if you are Inheriting Wrong This Principal will be Violated

We can Figure out if any source code is Violating this Principle

Design Classes in a way that this principle is followed


I – Interface Segregation Principle :

Interface Segregation Principle: SOLID design | by Radheshyam Singh | Medium

Keep Things abstracting(hiding details) and let classes implement them

Problem with Interface – Include a lot of functionality , Hide a lot of functionality These are the major problems so this principle its used to overcome those problems

One Interface should not be handling a lot of responsibilities Instead , multiple Interface can should be hiding different responsibilities

Design Interfaces in a such a way that the classes that implement those interfaces does not have many unused functions , if you used many un-used functions in the class this Principle will be violated


D – Dependency Inversion Principle :

Dependency Inversion Principle (SOLID) - GeeksforGeeks

High Level Modules or Low Level Modules in your code should not depend on the actual implementation they should depend on abstractions


Each Pattern describes a problem that occurs over and over multiple times in our environment and core of the solution to that problem can be used by a million times without ever doing it same way twice.

Any Pattern Consists of 4 parts – Pattern Name , Problem , Solution , Consequences

Pattern Name - Gives an Idea about the problem what the Pattern is going to solve

Problem – The Pattern actually describes the Problem it is going to solve

Solution – Each Problem Will be have an Solution to resolve the problem in Patterns

Consequences – Where its an good idea to use an Pattern and Where its an not an good idea to t use the Pattern , if you do any mistakes in this it will be an Consequences.

Types of Design Patterns :

Design Patterns - Thumbrules or different concepts using which you can solve the problem of modeling real world examples into object oriented design

1.PURPOSE – What is the Purpose any Design Patterns Solves , here there are 3 types of Purpose

1.1. Creational – Used for Creating or Instantiating Objects and Classes

Classes – Factory Method

Objects - Factory Method , Abstract Factory , Builder , Prototype , Singleton

1.2 Structural – Used for Structuring more than one classes or objects together , Moreover we will deep dive into Inheritance , Interface Segregation Principle etc while we study this

Classes – Adapter (Class)

Objects - Adapter (Class) , Adapter (Object) , Bridge , Composite , Decorator , Facade , Flyweight , Proxy

1.3 Behavioral – Used for Identifying and setting up common communication patterns among Objects

Classes – Interpreter Template Method

Objects - Interpreter , Template Method , Chain of Responsibility , Command , Iterator , Mediator , Memento , Observer , State , Strategy

Here the Patterns are Divided into Classes & Objects

Factory Method (Class) – Used for Creating Classes

Objects of Factory Method – Used to Create Objects

Structural Adapter(Class) – Tells you how to use Inheritance

Objects of Adapter – Used to organize and assemble different Objects

Interpreter Template Method (Class) – How to use inheritance in order to implement the algorithms and the control and flow of classes so as to fulfill a certain behavior

Objects of Interpreter Template Method – How to write algorithms around objects in order to fulfill a task which one single object cannot fulfill.

Factory Method Design Pattern :

Factory method Design Pattern - GeeksforGeeks

Its an Creational Design Pattern , used to create Object of classes or Instantiate Objects.

Its Hides an Complexity

The Catch however is that it is used to create the Objects which can be of similar type or which are usually of similar type but vary a little in terms of Implementation

The Goal of Factory Method Pattern is to hide that Complexity while creating such Objects which are similar type but can have different Implementations

So the Client Code which is actually using the factory method pattern has no idea how those Objects are created

Client Code – Any other application calling your code or any other module of application calling your code which calls an Interface or a Function which resides under a Factory Method Interface , Now the Client Code will call that function which is exposed by this factory method Interface.

Factory Method Interface – f1() here calls Object creation logic

Concreter Classes – Implements creation of the Object

Factory Class(Abstract Interface) :

Abstract Interface , Factory Method

Concrete Class (Actual Implementation) :

Real Implementation

It will be an Sub class of Factory Class or it will be Inheriting from Factory Class , it will be Implementing the function which is defined in this interface here

Pros and Corns

Pros :

Guarantees Abstraction

Code is flexible and adaptable

Cons :

Complex Code

Takes time to set the base

Not a Pattern that can be refactored into

Builder Design Pattern

Builder Design Pattern - GeeksforGeeks

Its an Creational Design Pattern and its utilized for creation of Objects , but the problem that builder pattern specifically solves is creation of complex Objects.

Helps with Immutable classes , Define Objects which once created never change their value

Less need for exposing setters of a class


Good way to handle complexity

Easy to Implement

Can be refactored into


Class instance returned is immutable

User inner static class

Sometimes number of lines of code can be huge

Have to think of end to end chain

Abstract Factory Method Design Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern - GeeksforGeeks

Factory of Factory Pattern, Creational – Creating Objects which belong to a family of similar Objects

Implemented using Common Interface (Implementation is deferred to sub classes)

Ex : Java – Document Builder


Good for abstraction and family of similar Objects

Loose Coupling between client and actual/concrete code

All Classes follow Single Responsibility Principle

Supports Open Closed Principle


Code becomes Complicated/Complex

Pattern inside a Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern in Android Explained | by Prachi Jamdade | Medium

When Only One Instance of a Class is needed(Shared Resource) Access to that Instance from the Whole Application

Make the Variable(Instance) initialized by a Private Constructor

Access to be given only by a getter() method

Singleton Class Never accepts parameters , if it accepts parameter then it becomes a factory so avoid it.

Eager Loading – The Instance is already initialized as soon as the application is up , Works well with one Singleton Class

Lazy Loading – The Instance is initialized only when any App Module Calls for it , Suitable for Multiple Singleton Classes


Neat way to handle access to shared global resource

Easy to Implement

Guarantees 1 Instance

Solves a well defined problem


Sometimes abused

Used with parameters and confused with Factory

Hard to Write Unit Tests

Thread Safety has to be insured else can be Dangerous

Facade Design Pattern

Facade Method Design Pattern - GeeksforGeeks

Its an Structural Pattern , used to Structure your Code neat & clean

It makes Complex APIs Easy to Use

More of a Refactoring Method

Used in Both Low Level And High Level Design

A Refactoring Pattern

Makes the Code Clean

Simplest Structural Design Pattern

Good to think about API Design

Adapter Design Pattern

Adapter Design Pattern - GeeksforGeeks

We have to Connect two interfaces which are not compatible with each other and in order to do so you write an adapter or you write a wrapper so that both those Interfaces can understand each other .

When those interfaces are not compatible you can go and change one of those Interfaces , but we cannot do that because this situation arises usually in the cases when a legacy code has to be integrated with a new code or another set of programs which are incompatible with the legacy code

So in this situation when the legacy code cannot be modified but you still have to integrate it we come up with adapter design pattern in order to solve for the same

This Pattern is a Client Focus Pattern

Easy to Implement

Simple and Plain

Multiple adapters can be used

Circuit Breaker in Microservices

What is Circuit Breaker Pattern in Microservices? - GeeksforGeeks

We talk about Circuit Breaker we also hear terms like Non Transient Failures , Resilient Systems , Cascading Failures , Thundering herds , Fault Tolerance , Retries and Recovery

What is Circuit Breaker ?

It is a Cloud Design Pattern to deal with non-transient failures in Microservices.

Non Transient Failures – Permanent failures which can render the system unavailable or the recovery can take longer than few seconds

Ex : Timeouts or Delays where the APIs do not Respond or Take a longer time to Respond resulting in timeouts or databases going down or the connections to databases failing.

There are 3 States of Circuit Breakers , Closed , Half Open , Open

Closed – By Default a Circuit Breaker stays in Closed state that means the traffic will go from Service A to B as it is and the response will also be returned from service B to A

Half Open – in case the Circuit Breaker is half open that means some traffic can go for the testing purposes if the calling service can actually call the downstream service and check if there are any failures or not

Open – Incase the circuit breaker is open that means no traffic can go through and the calling service will just be written with that this service is that they are trying to call is not working right now

Closed – (Failures exceed the threshold then open criteria) – Open (Timeout/Delay)-Half Open (No More Failures)

Cloud Design Pattern for Microservices

Not Need in case of a few services or scenarios where load is not heavy

Can be configured as per the services and requirements

Easy yet effective way to build resilience into systems

Should not be used to solves for transient failures

Flyweight Pattern

Flyweight Method - Python Design Patterns - GeeksforGeeks

Its an Structural and Optimization Pattern

Used to Optimize RAM Usage by a lot of Objects which share some Immutable State

Ex : Car games with a lot of repeating Objects

Pros :

Optimisation Pattern

Very Useful

Saves Resources

Cons :

Pattern inside a Pattern

Complex to Understand

Trap for Premature Optimization