REST – Representational State Transfer
REST Defines an Guideline how Client and Server can exchange the Representational State of data so its to full fill the Requirements of an Application
Guidelines :
Client Server Architecture
Uniform Interface
Code on Demand
State Transfer & Stateless :
State Transfer – Refers to an State of Data , the data that’s been exchange between Client and Server its happening through REST API’s
Stateless – One Server doesn’t know about the Multiple Clients , Server is Unknown to State of the Client Request Hence Stateless
Path & Query Parms :
Path Parameters :
URI : /mystore/books/12445(ID of the Book) – This is called Path Parameter
Its actually defines if you are looking for an Particular Resource its called Path Parameters
Query Parameters :
URI : /mystore/books ? Limit=20 & offset=0 – This is called Query Parameter
This Query Parameter tells the URI I need an 20 books to display on my UI first page , next time navigate to 2nd page the offset become 1 so at this page also have to display 20 books
200 – OK
201 – Created (POST)
300 – Redirection (Exist In some other location not in the location where you are trying to access)
400 – Client Error (Bad Request)
409 – Conflict (Client is creating the data which is already exist)
412 – Data format is wrong
500 – Internal Server Error